Fondo NomOrigine

Apellido Dellis

¿Cuál es el origen del apellido Dellis?

El apellido "dellis" es de origen italiano. Proviene de la región de Sicilia y es una variante del apellido "Dellisanti". Este apellido puede tener diferentes derivaciones e historias familiares, pero en general se cree que proviene de un topónimo o lugar de origen. Su significado exacto no está claro, pero es un apellido relativamente común en Italia.

origen del apellido Dellis

Aprende más sobre el origen del apellido Dellis

Significado y origen del apellido Dellis

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Distribución geográfica del apellido Dellis

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Variantes y grafías del apellido Dellis

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Personas famosas con el apellido Dellis

The Dellis family is known for producing talented individuals who have made a name for themselves in various fields. One of the most famous Dellises is David Dellis, a renowned actor known for his captivating performances on both stage and screen. His sister, Sophia Dellis, is a successful fashion designer who has dressed some of the biggest celebrities in Hollywood. Another prominent member of the Dellis clan is John Dellis, a world-renowned chef who has earned multiple Michelin stars for his innovative culinary creations. Despite their different career paths, the Dellis siblings all share a passion for their respective crafts and a dedication to excellence that has solidified their reputation as some of the most talented individuals in their industries.

Investigaciones genealógicas sobre el apellido Dellis

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